
Marie Panec Endorsed by Southern California Americans for Democratic Action

Oak Park, CA – The Southern California Chapter of Americans for Democratic Action (SCADA) has endorsed Marie Panec for Congress in California’s 24th district for the upcoming June 8 primary election.

Aris Anagnos, Executive Vice President of SCADA, said, “With Marie Panec, the voters in the 24th district have that rare opportunity to vote for a candidate who walks the walk of genuine service to the public. We trust Marie because her life’s work springs from her core democratic values of justice, equality for all, and devotion to the common good. Marie Panec will be a wonderful Representative to the U.S. Congress.

Americans for Democratic Action has worked for over 60 years to advocate progressive stances on civil rights and liberties, social and economic justice, sensible foreign policy, and sustainable environmental policy.

With 65,000 members nationwide, numerous state and local chapters, ADA continually strives to push for democratic and progressive values and ideals in American policy. The founders included Eleanor Roosevelt, labor leader Walter Reuther, economist John Kenneth Galbraith, historian Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., theologian Reinhold Niebuhr, and former Vice President Hubert Humphrey.

"To hold elected political office is to be called by one’s fellow citizens to serve the common good,” said Panec, Democratic candidate for the 24th district “It is both a worthy and a high calling. That is why I am so pleased and grateful to be endorsed by Southern California Americans for Democratic Action.”

As the June 8, 2010 primary election approaches, Democratic coalition endorsements of the Panec for Congress campaign continue to roll in. Marie Panec is also endorsed by the California Nurses Association, National Women’s Political Caucus, Assembly Member Julia Brownley (CA-AD41), Carmen Ramirez,, former Community Planning Director of CAUSE, and former Senator Sheila Kuehl.

For more information go to www.panec4congress.com.

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