
Marie Panec Blasts Rep. Elton Gallegly for Blocking Science Jobs

Oak Park, CA - Rep. Elton Gallegly (CA-24) killed the “America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010”, (H.R.5116), two weeks after the House Science and Technology Committee approved it. Gallegly supported a “Motion to Recommit” at the end of last week, a last-ditch effort to change a bill by sending it back to the committee with mandatory instructions, introduced by Rep. Ralph Hall (R-TX).

“Elton Gallegly should be doing everything in his power to create opportunities for meaningful jobs,” said Marie Panec, Democratic candidate for the 24th congressional district. “Now is not the time to be engaging in obstructionist games with the future of our students and their ability to unleash innovation and help America prosper. Gallegly should be working to strengthen our nation’s competitiveness as this legislation does. His action is unacceptable.”

This bill would extend funding authorizations through 2015 for a few key science agencies, in addition to reauthorizing a number of programs designed to increase the participation of U.S. students in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines, and create or modify a few programs designed to assist U.S. businesses commercialize new technologies.
"If we are to reverse the trend of the last twenty years, where our country’s technology edge in the world has diminished, we must make the investments necessary today," said Science and Technology Committee Chairman Bart Gordon (D-TN) on April 28, following his committee's 29-8 vote to report H.R. 5116 to the full House.

“America’s history of successful economic development by investing in new technologies is plain for anyone to see, anyone but Elton ‘going-along-to-get-along’ Gallegly, that is,” said Panec, a local school board member and college science professor, for whom creating opportunities in the economy, environmental sustainability and education are the main issues in the June 8 primary election.

Marie Panec, a candidate in the 24th district which spans Ventura County and much of Santa Barbara County, is an elected member of the Oak Park Unified School District Board of Education and a professor of biology at Moorpark College. Panec is endorsed by local leaders, Assembly Member Julia Brownley (AD 41), Roseann Mikos, Mayor Pro Tem of Moorpark, Gabino Aguirre, Concilmember of Santa Paula and the California Nurses Association. For more information go to www.panec4congress.com.

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